You liked your friends' Samsung Galaxy S aka SGS, wow-ed at it's screen and Android features, but couldn't buy it because of it's high cost ? [Yeah, even I agree it's costly] Right now it sells at around 27K INR. Now read this up and get yourself one :)
As you know, in US, contract phones are pretty cheap. This is what we gonna do, buying a contract phone.
Samsung Captivate
Brand new Samsung Galaxy S which is also known as Samsung Captivate in US, can be bought at 21K right shipped to your door
Specs are same as Galaxy S, only difference is camera and build.
-It doesn't have front camera.
-Design and Build are different, than that of SGS. The design is really good compared to SGS and doesn't look cheap and plastic build.
-More can be read from here - Galaxy S vs Captivate
How to buy
here is the ebaylink
you can find many deals from top sellers at 400USD.
Shipping :
Use aramex shipping method
Here are few deals :
new ones :
1. 400USD [with some free $60 stuff] - LINK
2. 410USD - LINK
3. 365USD[almost new] - LINK
4. 350USD - LINK
5. 370USD [almost new, with some free goodies] - LINK
used ones :
1. 315USD [it is refurbished piece] - LINK
2. 325USD - LINK
3 . 340USD - LINK
4. 272USD [has small two marks] - LINK
5. 340USD [mint condition, seems good] - LINK
6. 335USD - LINK
7. 330USD - LINK
PS : Knew this from past one month, but I thought you might all be knowing this, so didn't post it. Sorry guys. BTW my friend bought same, it's mint condition and almost new, with damages 16K, isn't that sweet ?
Samsung Vibrant
It is Galaxy S T-Mobile variant. It exactly looks like SGS. So those who 'like' the design of SGS can buy it.
Difference between Captivate and Vibrant is in Design and it's Proccy. More about it.
Please Google about it for more. It has some lag issues [not sure].
Brand new costs around $350.
ebay link : New Ones
old ones : LINK
Don't worry about unlocking and all
You can always contact sellers for bargain and give your best offer. Price can be reduced $50 :)
Note : Don't forget to ask your seller to mark it as Gift not used. Otherwise it might attract penalty as Aramex won't ship used items from
Aramex Explained
Aramex is just another shipping service, which provides services to ship things from UK and US at lower prices. When you register at Aramex, they will give you an Virtual US or UK address. Remember, some sites won't ship internationally, in such cases Aramex's Virtual Address come into handy.
Steps :
1. Create an account at Aramex [it's free] then create a Shop&Ship account. It costs only $5 after coupon code SNS10VSCH
2. Now they will you provide you virtual address.
3. Update the given address in and start shopping !
4. The item first will be reached to Aramex and then they will ship it to you.
5. Customs and Shipping costs : 1.03% and $10 for the first 0.5kg and $8 for each additional 0.5kg. Sometimes they don't even collect custom duties.
Rough estimation : Say Phone - $400, Customs - $4.5, Shipping - $10, Aramex Account - $5. Grand total $420 !!!
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